General Manager

Sarah Bourke

Career stage:
Senior - 10+ years' experience


High School Subjects:
Mathematics (2 unit), Agriculture, Society & Culture, General English, Studies of Religion 1, Business Services VET (2 Unit)

Agriculture, hands on nature of the course, understanding the science but also the compassionate nature of dealing with animals and environment. Science in nature.

Further study:

where and what:
UNSW, Bachelor of Construction Management & Property


"When I visited UNSW Built Environment open day, I realised this is where I wanted to be."


the inside scoop…

What does a General Manager actually do?
I oversee all project teams delivering construction projects across NSW. On the ground I am involved in developing the design before construction, resolving challenges onsite during construction. We are a Tier 2/3 commercial construction firm so I'm a hands on General Manager rather than a big construction firm which has a 1,000 employees. I get to see what's happening on site and in the business.

What does a day in your life at work look like?
I go to site meetings with subcontractors, have Zoom meetings to resolve design of new projects, sometimes these are in 3D, I meet with new clients for lunch and of course emails and paperwork are slotted around all the excitement of the day.

What's the best part of your job?
I love challenges, every project is different, its constant problem solving and its building on your previous knowledge applying it something different every time.

What made you realise construction could be for you?
I was sitting in the career's advisor's office and said I wanted to be an accountant but my work experience in Accounting was boring and I liked to be outside. That's when he suggested construction. I never thought it was a female thing to do. I did not know any females in construction but both my brothers are in construction and many other relatives. When I visited UNSW Built Environment open day, I realised this is where I wanted to be.

What do your friends and family think about working in construction?
My family love telling people that I'm a builder and that I've worked all over Australia and London. They talk about how they can see the passion I have for what I do. How proud they are when they've been to one of my sites where I am respected and valued for my opinion.

Tell us about a favourite project you're working on.
In 2019, I completed a project in Knightbridge, London. We had to design and construction structural steel frame to suit the building walls so that we could pull out the existing floors, excavation the basement for a commercial kitchen to go in the basement. We then used a conveyor belt to remove the soil from the basement. There was so much planning in the structural steel, the scaffolding and then coordination of all the shop drawings with the architect, engineers, heritage consultant and the client. It was like the worlds biggest chess board where you had to think 10 steps ahead before you made a move. I loved being the project lead and this was the first time I had worked with a female engineer and female client representative. As a project with 50% female representation in management, it showed me how much value there is in diversity.

Tell us about your journey starting a family whilst working in construction.
I had my first child in 2022 and initially worried about how I would return to work and how I would be perceived. I am fortunate to work in a supportive team who understands that sometimes my work hours might differ. The benefit of having a child is that you look at design differently, because you understand a different demographic, like where the closest lift is or the difference in the width of a corridor. Your ability to have empathy when dealing with others increases. Truly, I feel as though my management style has changed for the better. Having a child and working is hard no matter the industry, you have to have good support at home and at work. Pick a team who you believe have the same ideals and values as you and everything gets easier.


Sarah is open to engaging further via:
Speaking at a high school

If you'd like to enquire more, please fill out the form below with the subject name: "Sarah Bourke" and we'll pass your message on.


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