Acoustic Assistant Engineer

Naomi Aravena

Career stage:
Still studying!


High School Subjects:
General Maths, Physics, Chemistry, English Standard


Further study:

where and what:
University of New South Wales - 5th year


“It is great to see the building go from 2D to 3D, and then seeing what you built in Revit come to fruition from the ground up in real life.”


the inside scoop…

What does an Acoustic Assistant Engineer actually do?
I normally help other engineers in the company go on site and do field work. We bring tools that can measure sound and vibration. I also help write reports and do calculations.

What does a day in your life at work look like?
I open excel and continue formatting calculations, there might be a teams meeting or a workshop. Workshops are when the directors teach and keep the team up to date with the new technology or information. In the arvo I might be able to join in on field work. That means we would drive using company car or Uber to a site to take measurements. If its during lunch time, lunch is paid by the company which is so good!

What's the best part of your job?
My favourite part is going on site. This job isn't restricted to a desk. I get to go out and take my measurements myself!

What would you tell your high school self about working in construction?
Its so much fun. It is more creative than you think. There are times where you need to design. Its not just an office job it can be so much more than that.

What are you excited about doing in the future, working in construction?
To be able to manage a team. I'd love to be a manager or team leader one day. I love the social aspect of engineering/construction and I'd love to maximise it.

Who has inspired you in your career?
My dad. He is a Physicist. He has always been a genius in maths and physics. I have always wanted to make an impact on the world like him.


Naomi is open to engaging further via:
Taking a student for work experience.

If you'd like to enquire more, please fill out the form below with the subject name: "Naomi Aravena" and we'll pass your message on.


Technical Lighting Consultant


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